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About Nepal

Research & Development
Now we have professional consultants. We also do have academically qualified and professionally sound team members. We are going to expand our business throughout the world providing outstanding services.
To improve the quality of workers we have launched very effective training programs. We produce quality, About Nepal.
Nepal is located in south Asia between China and India. It covers 1,47,181 square kilometers area. It has exotic floras and fauna as well as interesting human settlements and cultures with 36 different ethnic groups.
Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world is located in Nepal where, tourists in large number visit to climb and see the Himalayan ranges, its natural beauty and historical sites. Agriculture is the main occupation of Nepalese people. Some people are assigned to cottage of Nepalese people. Some people are assigned to cottage industry and tourism also. Where the facility of Jungle Safari, Rafting, Trekking and Sightseeing is abundantly available for the tourist.
Nepalese manpower earned good reputation to British Army by their honest, good discipline and bravery and are famous by "Gurkhas" of Nepal.

Nepal Short Biography

 Capital    Kathmandu
 Area     1,47,181 sq.km
 Population  About 30 Million
 Geographic Location  Longitude-SOobO 4'East -88°bO 12'East
 Latitude-26°bO 22'North-30°bO
 Climate  Tropical, Sub-tropical, and Cold
 Political System   Multiparty Democracy
 National Language  Nepali
 Religion  Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim etc.